[mapserver-users] Prevalence of the use of queryfiles...

BrainDrain paulborodaev at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 02:38:51 PDT 2009

I need queryfiles to persist query results (serialize to string/binary method
wanted!) as a part of whole map 'state'. But I need more convenient, handy
way to configure style of queried (selected) features. Style section to
setup {border (color, line pattern, transparency), filling (color, fill
pattern, transparency), maybe some symbolization} instead of just highlight
color. It will be very useful (currently I need to dump query results into
some temp table in spatial db - which has a spec. layer section (sections -
for each feature type) in map file). For. ex. if my 'selection' is small - I
can highlight it with vector features (good looking and fast, flexible
styling!, no raster (all tiles! - can't decide which tile to redraw for
general queries) data requests and redrawing - in OpenLayers), but when
selection is big - I need to highlight it on server and re-request map

Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi all: Consider this a survey of sorts. I'm wondering how many of you
> make use of saving queries, either via the CGI or MapScript. It's an old
> feature that isn't terribly useful and I'm trying to understand the pain
> the community might incur if they go away in 6.0. If you didn't know they
> existed or how you might use them then it's safe to say you don't need
> 'em.
> Steve
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