[mapserver-users] msQueryByAttributes - regex problem

mapserver at gismap.ch mapserver at gismap.ch
Mon Mar 16 14:50:58 PDT 2009

Hi list

I'm facing a problem using msQueryByAttributes. I'm still using 
php/mapscript v4.0.2.

If I search for a string ending with “UF” or “uf”, f.e. “525UF”, I get the
following message: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msQueryByAttributes(): No
matching record(s) found. in [...]. The entry “525UF” is definitely there!

I did some debugging and it seams that this problem has to do with php.
I'm still using php 4.3.10. At the time I compiled php, we were forced to
compile php with regex=system. If I remember well, this was due to some
unresolved problems in the code of mapserver.

I would like to avoid an upgrade of php and mapserver right now. Is there
a way to solve this problem?

Kind regards,

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