[mapserver-users] Problems with Google 900913 Projection and WMS Layers SOLVED!

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Wed Mar 18 11:12:42 PDT 2009

YES!!! You put your finger on the problem. I was fighting with the wrong 
epsg file. I did compile the program from source and the correct file 
was in /usr/local/share/proj. I've also found out that on unix systems 
at least that the 'epsg' in "init=epsg:900913" is case-sensitive and 
refers to the actual file. And finally, the mapfile directive  CONFIG 
"PROJ_LIB" "/usr/share/proj" really needs those quotes. Just a wee 
deviation like CONFIG PROJ_LIB "/usr/share/proj" (no quotes around the 
PROJ_LIB) and your beer goes flat.

Thanks a million!
- Bill

Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Bill Thoen wrote:
>> However, this doesn't work with my MapServer:
>>     "init=epsg:900913"
>> END
>> and throws the error:
>> "Projection library error. no options found in 'init' file "
>> I've put the google projection record in /usr/share/proj/epsg, but 
>> MapServer doesn't seem to find it (although it has no trouble finding 
>> other projections.) Is there some sort of indexing or registering 
>> I've got to do on this file?
> The message "no options found in 'init' file" relates to the 
> "init=epsg:900913" directive. It means that an init file (called 
> "epsg" in this case) was found in PROJ4's data directory, but the 
> definition for code 900913 was not found in it. There is no indexing 
> required for init files. You just need to follow the right syntax when 
> adding new codes.
> If you verified that the code for 900913 is present in your 
> /usr/share/proj/epsg file then the only explanation I can think of 
> would be that your MapServer/PROJ installation looks for and finds the 
> epsg file somewhere else on the system. For instance, if you compiled 
> PROJ4 yourself without specifying an explicit prefix (--with-prefix), 
> then by default the local build will look in /usr/local/share/proj and 
> not /usr/share/proj.
> Also, see of the variable PROJ_LIB is set in your web server 
> environment or in a CONFIG directive in the mapfile. If it is set then 
> it points to the directory where PRPJ4 will look for the epsg init file.
> Finally, you could try renaming the /usr/share/proj/epsg file to 
> something else and see if the error message changes. If the init file 
> is not found then the error should turn to "Projection library error. 
> no system list" ... if you don't get that error after renaming the 
> epsg file then your mapserver is definitely not using the epsg file 
> that you thought.
> Daniel

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