[mapserver-users] Request for Comments about MSCompanion, the mapfile editor

enri enri at 163.com
Sun Mar 22 21:45:34 EDT 2009

Hi, guys,

I am trying  to fix bugs of the latest version and release the version 1.0 ASAP,  If you use  MSCompanion(http://code.google.com/p/mscompanion/) to edit mapfile, would you please give me some comments about this tool,  or tell me bugs you find, or request for new features? So  I  could make it better and plan the future versions as you wish.

Through my work, I wish the learning difficulty of MapServer could be much less, and more and more users of MapServer find it's easy to use MapServer.  So that we can enlarge the community of MapServer and MapServer can benifit more users.


Best regards,

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