[mapserver-users] Labeling

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Thu Mar 26 15:14:30 EDT 2009

Thank you all for your help...

No worries on the decimal truncation....will patiently wait for the 6.0 release....in the mean time I have just updated the test data to a string (text)

As for the multi-line....Thank you Steve and Mark Volz for your thoughts...

They are working although it seems to indent the 2nd and 3rd line...I posted this on the other email sent by Mark Volz....

Any thoughts....

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lime [mailto:Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us] 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 11:46 AM
To: Jay Kapalczynski; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org; David' 'Fawcett
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Labeling

The decimal truncation simply can't be done with a shapefile at the moment. There's a ticket in place
to add this functionality but it will be a 6.0 improvement. Wish I have better news.

One the other question you can use the class TEXT property along with a wrap character to achieve
the multiline labels. E.g.:

  TEXT "[col1]|[col2]|[col3]"
    WRAP "|"

and that should get you a multi-line label based on 3 attributes.


>>> On 3/26/2009 at 10:57 AM, in message
<D7A5EAC385604446AB1DD24BF4F5A9181E06947F21 at MG-Mail.ci.maple-grove.mn.us>, Jay
Kapalczynski <jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us> wrote:
> Yea I can do that but then I have to build processes to do all the 
> converting...
> I want to read this data live.
> Anyone else have any ideas?
> Thanks
> One Last thought, don't know if I should enter a new topic...
> I have three labels I want to label.  Right now I am using an Offset to push 
> one above, and one below (UC, CC, LC) with offsets.
> And as such these are three separate layers in my app
> I tried to combine all three into one map file but it only labels the first 
> one (I copied the original code in the original email and simply changed the 
> label field)(no matter what I do it just labels the first one it reads)
> Can I combine these into one and still have them label on three different 
> rows
> Value 1
> Value 2
> Value 3
> Can I concatenate like this?
> LABELITEM  'Value 1' & 'VALUE 2' & 'VALUE 3'
> But how would I specify they are supposed to create 3 lines???
> From: Fawcett, David [mailto:David.Fawcett at state.mn.us] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 9:38 AM
> To: Jay Kapalczynski; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org 
> Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Labeling
> It is always an option to create a string column and then populate it with 
> your numbers formatted the way that you want them to appear.  I am sure that 
> you realize this, but it is something that I have done in the past.
> David.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
> [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Jay 
> Kapalczynski
> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 9:14 AM
> To: 'mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org'
> Subject: [mapserver-users] Labeling
> Is there any way to eliminate the decimal places here...I looked online but 
> was unable to find anything.
> Thanks
> The fields I am labeling are numeric...so I get this
> 3434.000000000000
> 1232222.000000000000
> I am looking to drop all the extra decimal places...
> Or maybe set it to keep two
> 3434.00
> LAYER # Maple Grove Parcels
>                     NAME Parcel_Labels
>                     DATA './parcels.shp'
>                     STATUS DEFAULT
>                     TYPE annotation
>                     MAXSCALE 2000
>                     MINSCALE 100
>                     LABELITEM 'EMV_LAND'
>                                 LABELCACHE ON
>                      CLASS
>                        COLOR -1 -1 -1
>                        LABEL
>                                 POSITION UC
>                                 TYPE TRUETYPE
>                                 FONT vera_sans
>                                 MAXSIZE 7
>                                 SIZE 7
>                                 OFFSET 0 10
>                                 MINSIZE 4
>                                 #ANTIALIAS TRUE
>                                 COLOR 0 0 0
>                                 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 128
>                                 BUFFER 2
>                        END
>                      END
>   END # Maple Grove Parcels

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