[mapserver-users] Tile pre-caching

Chad Clabaugh cclabaugh at centwire.com
Mon May 18 11:20:09 PDT 2009



I have successfully set-up a linux mapserver on suse linux.  I am using it
to generate google tiles from shapefiles.  I have been attempting to set-up
a tile precache that enables me to generate the image tiles on a local
mapserver server then  serve them from a remote web server, but have so far
failed miserably.  I've tried tilecache and ka-map but can't get them to
work.  So my question is. How can I precache the generated google tiles so
that I can simply copy those images where I need them?  Shouldn't this be a
simple task?


Thanks a lot!


Chad Clabaugh

Technical Support, Engineering

Office: 260.760.6398

Mobile: 260.466.8861


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