[mapserver-users] Precache

Roger André randre at gmail.com
Wed May 20 20:45:51 PDT 2009

Your request is somewhat lacking in detail, but assuming that your
goal is a simple one, here is one way to accomplish this.

1. Create a MapServer project that displays your shapefile in whatever
style you choose.
2. Setup a TileCache instance that points to your MapServer project.
3. Run the tilecache_seed.py script to pre-generate tiles.


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Chad Clabaugh <cclabaugh at centwire.com> wrote:
> How can I precache tile images from shapefiles?
> Thanks
> Chad Clabaugh
> Technical Support, Engineering
> Office: 260.760.6398
> Mobile: 260.466.8861
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