[mapserver-users] display map on aspx page

Luke Kateregga katslu1 at gmail.com
Fri May 22 07:28:10 PDT 2009

Hello there,
Iam new to mapserver. I have installed mapserver plus the demo applications
- chameleon, p_mapper etc and they are all working fine. The problem is I
just cant load my own data. I've tried the  mapserver generator in
mapwindow, the qgis web plugin plus Amien in Arcmap but still no success. I
am currently following Web Mapping Illustrated By Tyler Mitchell, working on
his very first example of global.map, global.html. When I click start map
server, I get a page with a blank portion, instead of the map itself. The
gif however is created in the ms_tmp folder. How do I get to display the map
in the browser?
Can also anyone perhaps show me how I can import my own data into the
already made applications like Pmapper or fusion?
Thanks in advance

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