[mapserver-users] Attribute based symbol

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed May 27 11:26:47 PDT 2009

You can bind a style symbol to an attribute. The value needs to be the name of a
system already loaded by MapServer or the name of a local image. You cannot
reference a image url.


>>> On 5/27/2009 at 12:26 PM, in message
<a3cc80ca0905271026p141e3f92mf817e0e596f74ec at mail.gmail.com>, Adam Eskreis
<aeskreis at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to create a layer that has a symbol, however, I want the symbol
> for each geometry to be based on a field from the database.  For instance, I
> am trying to make a layer that would look something like this:
>    GROUP symbol_layer
>    TYPE point
>    STATUS on
>    CONNECTION "<connection string>"
>    DATA "the_geom from (SELECT the_geom, symbol_img_url from foo) as foo
> using unique id using SRID=-1"
>    CLASS
>       STYLE
>           SYMBOL "[symbol_img_url]"
>       END
>    END
>  END
> Is something like this possible?  If not, what part of the source would I
> have to edit in order to make it possible?
> Thank you
> -Adam

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