[mapserver-users] entities one upon the other

Ludwig Kniprath ludwig at kni-online.de
Thu Nov 12 23:49:28 PST 2009

Hello, perhaps some other solutions for your problem:
- use a special class for the small entities, that has to be defined as 
the last class in the Layer-Definition and so will be drawn upon the 
other classes
- for database-layers: use a order-by-clause to get the result ordered 
by their sice (desc), so the large entities will be drawn first
- for shape-layers: reorder the Shapefile by the size of the entities



> Hello,
> I have a polygon layer with entities, one located upon the other.
> The result that I have is:
> The entity located upon, hides the entity underneath.
> Is it possible to configure mapfile  in such a way that where the
> entities are located ones upon the others,
> the colour becomes evidenced and different to the case in which the
> entities aren't located ones upon the others?
> Thank in advance
> Leonardo

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