[mapserver-users] ArcSDE raster and value difference of 256

bartvde at osgis.nl bartvde at osgis.nl
Thu Nov 26 02:17:00 PST 2009

Hi list,

I am trying to use an ArcSDE raster layer in Mapserver, but the values
that Mapserver gives back are different from the values that ArcMap gives

There is a difference of exactly 256.

So NODATA is 256 according to ArcMap, but Mapserver seems to map it to 0,
etc. for all other values.

Does anyone know how to solve this? TIA.

[bart at hades build]$ /opt/arcsde-9.2-tools/bin/sderaster -o list -l
HOOGTE.kust_2009_2,RASTER -s geodatabase.ad.rws.nl -i 5151 -D PGPR -u
RWS_LEZEN -p XXXX -verbose

Connecting to server geodatabase.ad.rws.nl, port 5151, as user RWS_LEZEN

ArcSDE 9.1 Oracle10g  Build 392 Thu Nov  2 15:42:12 PST 2006

Raster ID ...................: 1
Raster Dimension ............: 22000, 15000, 1
Raster Tile Dimension .......: 128, 128
Pixel Type ..................: char
Compression .................: lz77
Image Pyramid ...............: 6, false, nearest
Extent ......................:
  minx    :            105002.50000000000000
  miny    :            543752.50000000000000
  maxx    :            214997.50000000000000
  maxy    :            618747.50000000000000
Cell Size....................:
  x       :                 5.00000000000000
  y       :                 5.00000000000000
Statistics ..................: <NONE>

1 raster(s).


Best regards,

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