[mapserver-users] WMS title tags

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Nov 27 13:48:30 PST 2009

karsten vennemann wrote:
> So "Rivers" I can use to get the layer in a getmap request but not 
> "the_rivers". So is there any use for  "wms_group_title" and "wms_title" ?
> How is this handled by other map rendering engines (Geoserver, Mapnik , 
> Degree?)

The wms_title metadata is used to produce the <Title> element for the 
layer in the WMS GetCapabilitites. The Title is usually displayed by WMS 
clients as the human-readable caption of the layer, in selection lists 
for instance.

OTOH, the LAYER NAME is mapped to the <Name> element in the WMS 
GetCapabilities which is the unique name/id of the layer, this the 
identifier by which client and server software refer to this layer in 
GetMap and other requests.


Daniel Morissette

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