[mapserver-users] PGeo (Personal Geodatabases) options under Linux

Chuck Jungmann chuck at cpjj.net
Fri Nov 27 15:17:03 PST 2009

I've read that page several times. I have also built MDBTools, unixODBC
and GDAL from CVS sources and applied patches, etc, so I could try to
trace execution to the errors.  What I've found are instances where the
code ultimately ends up in an empty function that simply returns
SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_OK or whatever without doing anything.  That seems to
be why MDBTools has trouble with "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xxx" and why it
can't find a primary key.

While I can see that these database features are not working, it's also
possible that they are not necessary.  I'm wondering if anyone has had
success, either despite these errors, or by not encountering these
errors, in which case I may find some success if I can duplicate their

Thanks for the quick reply,
Chuck Jungmann

On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 18:00 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Chuck Jungmann wrote:
> > I have a Personal Geodatabase (PGeo) from which I would like to display
> > layers in MapServer on Ubuntu 9.04.  I have been fighting with MDBTools,
> > unixODBC, and GDAL for what seems like forever.  The ogrinfo and isql
> > fail with Segmentation Faults.
> > 
> > I have two questions:
> > 
> > 1. Has anyone successfully used a PGeo file to display maps on MapServer
> > under Linux?  Perhaps my efforts were doomed from the start.
> > 
> > 2. Since GDAL is using ODBC to read the MDB file, would using ODBC to
> > access MySQL be a transparent replacement, assuming I copy all of the
> > tables and indexes from the PGeo file to MySQL?  Has anyone done this?
> > I don't want to waste a lot of time on this if it's another dead end.
> Chuck,
> There was a recent thread related to these problems on the GDAL list. 
> Frank posted the follow link and commented that there are also probable 
> some open bugs. Evidently, the mdbtools are not well supported and buggy 
> which makes using them problematic.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/mdbtools
> Check out this thread on the gdal-dev archives:
> [gdal-dev] mdb to shape conversion: no geometry exported
> -Steve

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