[mapserver-users] display feature name beside feature

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Fri Sep 18 06:43:50 PDT 2009


you can use the labeling options mapserver offers. Labeling can be
accomplished by adding a label section to a class of a layer. You can
define the labelitem aka. a fieldname of a shape's attributes or a
database table, that mapserver takes the value from to actually label
a feature.

Read on here:
- http://mapserver.org/introduction.html#label
- http://mapserver.org/mapfile/label.html

If you want to have the labeling as a separate layer, that can be
turned on and off, you should have a look at the annotation layer

Cheers, Michael

2009/9/18 sunny74 <sb.ray at hotmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I have  a number of features(Layers) in my map.One of the feature is a Water
> Body.
> How can I display the feature name beside the feature?
> Is there anything in the map file which can do this or do I have to do this
> thru' coding in js?
> I am using mapserver v 5.0.0 with openlayers.
> If anybody has a solution pls mention in detail.
> Thanks for your reply.
> --
> View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/display-feature-name-beside-feature-tp3668538p3668538.html
> Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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