[mapserver-users] Mapscript taking too long on my production server

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 07:02:12 PDT 2009


Depending on your MapSever version you could set up the debug options in
your mapfile in order to see the timings when the layers are drawn.


CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "/ms4w/tmp/ms_error.txt"

For more info about the debugging options see:

Best regards,


2009/9/21 Nelson Correia <nelsonwc7 at hotmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm doing an application in C# that uses mapscript to generate images. The
> features come from a postgis database.
> On my development machine all goes well and the image is always generated
> in less than 1 second. When I deployed the application to my two production
> servers (both powerfull than my dev machine), I noticed a very strange
> behavior: it takes +-20 seconds to generate the same image. Doing some debug
> on what's happening, I realized that was the call to mapObj.draw() method
> that was taking all that time.
> Thinking it could be a database related problem, (note that I'm using a
> local database) I've inspected the server logs and saw that the query only
> arrived at the database after that 20 seconds. So, the time is being taken
> in the draw, but before the database call.
> Anyone have a clue on what could be happening?
> Thanks,
> Nelson
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