[mapserver-users] response time

Jim Klassen Jim.Klassen at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Sep 28 14:39:11 EDT 2009

Yes. If you set the wms_extent (or ows_extent) metadata for the layer, MapServer will use that instead of calculating the BBOX.

Particularly in the case of Oracle Spatial layers, this makes a huge difference in response time.

>>> Iratxe Lejarreta <iratxe.lejarreta at axios.es> 09/28/09 11:20 AM >>>
I have a map file with many complex layers (saved in Oracle Spatial) and when I 
run GetCapabilities request, the response time is too large because MapServer 
needs to calculate the bbox of all layers. 
Is it possible to speed up this process? because if my data are always the 
same, I don't need to calculate the bbox for each request...

Iratxe Lejarreta

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