[mapserver-users] remote SLD problem [solved]

DeDuikertjes DeDuikertjes at xs4all.nl
Mon Sep 28 11:46:29 PDT 2009

Dear list

Shot in the dark was right on target.

/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1

fixed the problem (Centos 5.2)


DeDuikertjes schreef:
> Guillaume,
> Thank you,
> it is.
> By the way I found out that mapserv is actually running as apache
> apache can acces the SLD file
> (found out via: su -c 'wget -qO- 
> http://mydomain.nl/plancheck_test/data/0999_check/bestplan.sld' -s 
> /bin/sh apache)
> So, I've not a single clue what's goin on.
> shot in the dark: SELINUX?
> MArco
> Guillaume Sueur schreef:
>> Hi,
>> Try to make your sld file readable by any user.
>> Regards,
>> Guillaume
>> Le lundi 28 septembre 2009 à 18:14 +0200, DeDuikertjes a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> this is my problem, please help
>>> mapserver is running ok, and this gives me a nice picture:
>>> http://mydomain.nl/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=../html/plancheck_test/data/0999_check/NL.IMRO.0999.BP2008000001-0005/wkt/NL.IMRO.0999.BP2008000001-0005.map&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=6.36411,51.8821,6.37681,51.8897&Layers=NL.IMRO.0999.BP2008000001-0005&Format=image/png&width=800&height=600&SRS=EPSG:4326 
>>> Now, I'd like to use a SLD to do some styling. So I've made myself a 
>>> nice SLD and I use the url:
>>> http://check.tercera-ro.nl/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=../html/plancheck_test/data/0999_check/NL.IMRO.0999.BP2008000001-0005/wkt/NL.IMRO.0999.BP2008000001-0005.map&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=6.36411,51.8821,6.37681,51.8897&Layers=NL.IMRO.0999.BP2008000001-0005&Format=image/png&width=800&height=600&SRS=EPSG:4326&SLD=http://mydomain.nl/plancheck_test/data/0999_check/bestplan.sld 
>>> ok, the SLD is at the specified location and I can view it with my 
>>> browser.
>>> mapserver returns an error document with:
>>> msHTTPExecuteRequests(): HTTP request error. HTTP: request failed 
>>> with curl error code 7 (Failed to connect to 
>>> Permission denied) for 
>>> http://mydomain.nl/plancheck_test/data/0999_check/bestplan.sld
>>> That puzzled me for a while, but then I tried (from the box where 
>>> mapserver runs):
>>> su -c 'wget 
>>> http://mydomain.nl/plancheck_test/data/0999_check/bestplan.sld' -s 
>>> /bin/sh nobody
>>> that returns:
>>> bestplan.sld: Permission denied
>>> So user nobody can't get to the SLD. I believe mapserver is running 
>>> as nobody because I believe  apache does.
>>> I think that's the problem.
>>> But then, how to solve this?
>>> Any help greatly appreciated ...
>>> MArco
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