[mapserver-users] displaying 3-band images

David Hildebrand David.Hildebrand at afsc.ca
Thu Dec 9 15:04:56 PST 2010

To all:


I discovered the problem which actually had a very simple solution.  My DATA path was incorrect.  The data resides on another file server and I had incorrectly specified the UNC path.


David V. Hildebrand
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
(403) 782-8239   

www.afsc.ca <about:www.afsc.ca>  <http://www.afsc.ca <http://www.afsc.ca/> >
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From: Brent Fraser [mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:40 PM
To: David Hildebrand
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] displaying 3-band images



   It sounds like image registration / coordinate system definition problem.  While it is not necessary for the image to have a coordinate system defined (e.g as a geotiff tag) sine you can specify it in the LAYER portion of the map file, I think it does need image registration information, either as geotiff tags or in a .tfw (or .wld) file.  Specifying the EXTENT in the map file is only a layer "hint" to mapserver, it does not specify the image registration.

  I could be wrong; mayby there have been enhancements to use the EXTENT or METADATA information.

What are your parameters for EPSG:43001?

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 12/9/2010 3:13 PM, David Hildebrand wrote: 



For now I am making a simple Mapserver CGI call (http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=MSTEST&layer=awifs&mode=map).  This URL works for other raster layers but I have only had single-band images so far.  In all cases the final map is in a projection different from the layer projection.  Incidentally, when I point to a data source which I know does not exist I get the same behavior (no image and no error) even when I use CONFIG "ON_MISSING_DATA" "FAIL" in my map file.


Thanks for your help.






David V. Hildebrand

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation

(403) 782-8239   


www.afsc.ca <http://www.afsc.ca> <http://www.afsc.ca> 

This communication is intended for the use of the recipient to which it is addressed, and may contain confidential, personal and/or privileged information. Please contact Agriculture Financial Services Corporation immediately if you are not the intended recipient of this communication, and do not copy, distribute, or take action relying on it. Any communication received in error, or subsequent reply, should be deleted or destroyed. Please consider the environment before printing this email.



-----Original Message-----
From: Rahkonen Jukka [mailto:Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 2:21 PM
To: David Hildebrand
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] displaying 3-band images




I will have a closer look tomorrow. What did you use for showing the image? Mapserver CGI call or WMS client or what?  Could you send the request as well?







-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----

Lähettäjä: David Hildebrand [mailto:David.Hildebrand at afsc.ca]

Lähetetty: to 9.12.2010 22:32

Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka

Aihe: RE: [mapserver-users] displaying 3-band images






I posted this to the mailing list but I don't think it got there because the body was too long so I'm sending it to you directly.




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