[mapserver-users] symbolizing polygon outlines

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Wed Dec 15 15:13:00 PST 2010


   One technique is to render the polygon data twice; once as TYPE 
POLYGON to render the fill, and again as TYPE LINE to render the polygon 
outline as a dashed line.  You can use the same polygon data file for 
each.  If you name the layers the same, they'll turn on/off together.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 12/15/2010 3:28 PM, David Hildebrand wrote:
> Is there a way of symbolizing a polygon outline other than with
> OUTLINECOLOR?  I would like to create a complex dashed line but it seems
> that polygons do not support that.
> Any suggestions?
> ===========================
> David V. Hildebrand
> Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
> (403) 782-8239
> www.afsc.ca<http://www.afsc.ca>
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