[mapserver-users] Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS 1.5.0 Released

Jan Hartmann j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl
Thu Feb 4 13:56:53 PST 2010

Congratulations Paul and team. Just a question: what are the 
plans/status for topology under PostGIS?



On 04-Feb-10 19:16, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> February 4, 2010
> The PostGIS development team has, after a long course of reflection
> and a detailed self-examination of our various personal failings,
> decided to release PostGIS 1.5.0 to the public.
>    http://postgis.org/download/postgis-1.5.0.tar.gz
> This new version of PostGIS includes a new "geography" type for
> managing geodetic (lat/lon) data, performance-enhanced distance
> calculations, GML and KML format readers, an improved shape loading
> GUI, and other new features as well.
> Especial thanks to:
> * Dave Skea for algorithms and mathematics necessary to support
> spherical geometry
> * Nicklas Avén for the new performance enhanced distance calculations
> and other distance-related functions
> * Sandro Santilli for new buffering features (end caps and style options)
> * Olivier Courtin for GML/KML input functions
> * Guillaume Lelarge for support for the upcoming PgSQL 9.0
> * George Silva for an example implementation of history tables
> * Vincent Picavet for Hausdorff distance calculations
> * The maintainers of GEOS, Proj4, and LibXML, without whom we would
> have less of a spatial database
> Love, the PostGIS project steering committee,
> Mark Cave-Ayland
> Kevin Neufeld
> Regina Obe
> Paul Ramsey
> ----- Release Notes ----
> PostGIS 1.5.0
> 2010/02/04
>    * Important Changes *
>    - =~ operator now indicates bounding box equality, not feature equality
>    - GEOS 3.1 is now the minimum accepted version of GEOS
>    - GEOS 3.2 is needed if you want to use enhanced buffering features
>      and ST_HausdorffDistance
>    - GEOS, LibXML2, and Proj4 are now mandatory dependencies
>    * New Features *
>    - Added Hausdorff distance calculations (#209) (Vincent Picavet)
>    - Added parameters argument to ST_Buffer operation to support one-sided
>      buffering and other buffering styles (Sandro Santilli)
>    - Performance improvements to ST_Distance (Nicklas Avén)
>    - Addition of other Distance related visualization and analysis
>      functions (Nicklas Avén)
>      - ST_ClosestPoint
>      - ST_DFullyWithin
>      - ST_LongestLine
>      - ST_MaxDistance
>      - ST_ShortestLine
>    - KML, GML input via ST_GeomFromGML and ST_GeomFromKML (Olivier Courtin)
>    - Extract homogeneous collection with ST_CollectionExtract (Paul Ramsey)
>    - Add measure values to existing linestring with ST_AddMeasure (Paul Ramsey)
>    - History table implementation in utils (George Silva)
>    - Win32 support and improvement of core shp2pgsql-gui (Mark Cave-Ayland)
>    - In place 'make check' support (Paul Ramsey)
>    - Geography type and supporting functions
>      - Spherical algorithms from Dave Skea
>      - Object/index implementation from Paul Ramsey
>      - Selectivitiy implementation from Mark Cave-Ayland
>      - Serializations (KML, GML, JSON) from Olivier Courtin
>      - ST_Area, ST_Distance, ST_DWithin, ST_GeogFromText, ST_GeogFromWKB,
>        ST_Intersects, ST_Covers, ST_Buffer
>    - Documentation updates and improvements (Regina Obe, Kevin Neufeld)
>    - Testing and quality control (Regina Obe)
>    - PostGIS 1.5 support PostgreSQL 8.5 trunk (Guillaume Lelarge)
>     - Many many other changes:
>      http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/query?status=closed&milestone=PostGIS+1.5.0
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