[mapserver-users] Re: Actual coverage data+colormap

Alexander Petkov apetkov at fs.fed.us
Fri Feb 5 10:22:12 PST 2010

I am still trying to figure this out, so any ideas are much welcome :)

So far I am thinking to either:
1. Somehow use a template that calls an external utility/function much
like gdal_translate for the subsetting. From reading the docs this
doesn't seem possible.

2. Use apache redirect to another page that does the subsetting, sets
the content headers and streams the file. A very clumsy solution from
a design point of view.

Thanks in advance for any ideas :)


On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Alexander Petkov <apetkov at fs.fed.us> wrote:
> Is it possible to include the colormap from an image being served as a
> coverage through mapserver? In other words, definining BYTE or INT16
> for the IMAGEMODE will provide the actual data from the raster (which
> is what I am after), but the colormap is discarded when the data is
> requested through a GetCoverage request. Then I tried PC256 for the
> IMAGEMODE but I lost the actual data.
> Is there currently a way to allow me to include a colormap in the
> OUTPUTFORMAT definition, while providing the actual data through a
> GetCoverage request?
> I have defined the output format as follows:
>   MIMETYPE "image/tiff"
>   EXTENSION "tif"
>  END
> Thanks in advance,
> Alex

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