[mapserver-users] documentation about interaction between Mapserver and Webserver software

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Feb 10 05:58:30 PST 2010

On 2/10/2010 4:00 AM, Vasile Cristian Stan wrote:
> Hi,
> I work to a thesis about WebGis architecture an I need  some documentation
> about interaction between Mapserver and Webserver software.
> Where I can find any documentation about this subject?
> Thank you,
> Cristian

I think you need to be a little more specific about on what your want. 
For example, mapserver runs as a CGI or FastCGI application.or as 
mapscript with wrappers for PHP, Perl, Python, C#, and many more. These 
are wrappers to the mapserver library that bring that functionality into 
those respective languages. Mapserver also support OGC protocols like 
WMS, WFS, WCS, SOS, SLD, probably some others. Mapserver is optionally 
built with GDAL/OGR that gives it access to a huge number of vector and 
raster GIS data formats. There are also multiple database connectors 
that allow mapserver to pull data from databases like 
PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, ODBC (via OGR), SQLite (via OGR), etc.

You are asking about mapserver intereactions with the web server, what 
are typical interactions that you might be interested in?

-Steve W

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