[mapserver-users] HTML Legends - what's Class TITLE?

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Fri Feb 26 09:16:45 PST 2010

I'm still beating the "HTML legends" feature into a shape I can 
understand and now I think I understand most of the online 
documentation. Also, I think I have accomplished my immediate goal of 
creating a working layer control that shows you a sample graphic of the 
layer, has a checkbox to turn the layer on/off, and allows you to 
collapse and hide layers and classes under their group names and can 
hold up to 100 layers and classes in one clip. So thanks to everyone who 
helped me sort this out. Your generosity is very much appreciated!

But I have one more question... on the page 
http://mapserver.org/output/html_legend.html under the "Supported Tags" 
table in the section titled "CLASS block" they refer to 
[leg_class_title] that returns the CLASS TITLE value. Looking into the 
mapfile reference, I can't find any description for TITLE in either 
CLASS or LAYER. Can anyone clue me in on this --what it is and what's it 

- Bill Thoen

Bill Thoen
GISnet -  www.gisnet.com
1401 Walnut St., Suite C
Boulder, CO 80302
303-786-9961 tel
303-443-4856 fax

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