[mapserver-users] How to add HDF-EOS data layer in MapServer
ivan.lucena at pmldnet.com
Sun Feb 28 20:18:24 PST 2010
I am sorry. Your previous e-mail didn't show the SUBDATASET and then I assumed that you are dealing
with one unsupported flavor of HDF. But if it showing, great!
If you could use gdal_translate to convert to GeoTIFF you can use the same identification string on
a DATA parameter.
So, if you ran gdal_translate like that:
gdal_translate HDF5:OMI.he5://HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/ColumnAmountO3 output.tif
Then you should be able to use the same identification on your map file like that:
DATA "HDF5:OMI.he5://HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/ColumnAmountO3"
Some time ago I reported a bug in Mapserver that was preventing those complex GDAL connection string
to work but I believe its fixed now.
Please, give it a try and let us know if it works or not. And don't forget to mention the GDAL and
Mapserver version that you are using.
Venkat Shesu Reddem wrote:
> Hi Ivan,
> gdalinfo is showing subdataset list also, the previous mail contains
> gdalinfo of one of subdataset. I have used gdal_translate to convert
> the following in GeoTIFF image, however i don't have idea about how to
> create layer for the given hdf subdataset.
> the below is the gdalinfo showing subdataset list:
> Driver: HDF5Image/HDF5 Dataset
> Files: none associated
> Size is 1440, 720
> Coordinate System is:
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
> DATUM["WGS_1984",
> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
> TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> Metadata:
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:OrbitNumber=29703 29704 29705 29706 29707 29708
> 29709 29710 29711 29712 29713 29714 29715 29716 29717 29718 29719
> 29720 29721 29722 29723 29724 29725 29726 29727 29728 29729 29730
> 29731 29732 29733 29734 29735 29736 29737 29738 29739 29740 29741
> 29742 29743 29744 29745 29746 29747
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:OrbitPeriod=5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934
> 5933 5934 5933 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933
> 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5933 5934 5934 5933
> 5934 5933 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:ProcessLevel=3e
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleMonth=2
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleYear=2010
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleDayOfYear=46
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:TAI93At0zOfGranule=5.40346e+008
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:StartUTC=2010-02-14T12:15:00.000000Z
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:EndUTC=2010-02-16T11:45:00.000000Z
> OMI Column Amount O3:GCTPProjectionCode=0
> OMI Column Amount O3:Projection=Geographic
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridOrigin=Center
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpacing=(0.25,0.25)
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpacingUnit=deg
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpan=(-180,180,-90,90)
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpanUnit=deg
> OMI Column Amount O3:NumberOfLongitudesInGrid=1440
> OMI Column Amount O3:NumberOfLatitudesInGrid=720
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left ( 0.0, 0.0)
> Lower Left ( 0.0, 720.0)
> Upper Right ( 1440.0, 0.0)
> Lower Right ( 1440.0, 720.0)
> Center ( 720.0, 360.0)
> Band 1 Block=1440x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
> Metadata:
> RadiativeCloudFraction:_FillValue=-1267650600228229400000000000000.000000
> RadiativeCloudFraction:Units=NoUnits
> RadiativeCloudFraction:Title=Radiative Cloud Fraction = fc*Ic331/Im331
> RadiativeCloudFraction:UniqueFieldDefinition=TOMS-OMI-Shared
> RadiativeCloudFraction:ScaleFactor=1
> RadiativeCloudFraction:Offset=0
> RadiativeCloudFraction:ValidRange=0.000000 1.000000
> RadiativeCloudFraction:MissingValue=-1267650600228229400000000000000.000000
> Driver: HDF5/Hierarchical Data Format Release 5
> Files: OMI.he5
> Size is 512, 512
> Coordinate System is `'
> Metadata:
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:OrbitNumber=29703 29704 29705 29706 29707 29708
> 29709 29710 29711 29712 29713 29714 29715 29716 29717 29718 29719
> 29720 29721 29722 29723 29724 29725 29726 29727 29728 29729 29730
> 29731 29732 29733 29734 29735 29736 29737 29738 29739 29740 29741
> 29742 29743 29744 29745 29746 29747
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:OrbitPeriod=5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934
> 5933 5934 5933 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933
> 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5933 5934 5934 5933
> 5934 5933 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:ProcessLevel=3e
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleMonth=2
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleYear=2010
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleDayOfYear=46
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:TAI93At0zOfGranule=5.40346e+008
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:StartUTC=2010-02-14T12:15:00.000000Z
> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:EndUTC=2010-02-16T11:45:00.000000Z
> OMI Column Amount O3:GCTPProjectionCode=0
> OMI Column Amount O3:Projection=Geographic
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridOrigin=Center
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpacing=(0.25,0.25)
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpacingUnit=deg
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpan=(-180,180,-90,90)
> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpanUnit=deg
> OMI Column Amount O3:NumberOfLongitudesInGrid=1440
> OMI Column Amount O3:NumberOfLatitudesInGrid=720
> Subdatasets:
> SUBDATASET_0_NAME=HDF5:"OMI.he5"://HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/ColumnAmountO3
> SUBDATASET_0_DESC=[720x1440]
> //HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/ColumnAmountO3 (32-bit
> floating-point)
> SUBDATASET_1_NAME=HDF5:"OMI.he5"://HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/RadiativeCloudFraction
> SUBDATASET_1_DESC=[720x1440]
> //HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/RadiativeCloudFraction
> (32-bit floating-point)
> SUBDATASET_2_NAME=HDF5:"OMI.he5"://HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/SolarZenithAngle
> SUBDATASET_2_DESC=[720x1440]
> //HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/SolarZenithAngle
> (32-bit floating-point)
> SUBDATASET_3_NAME=HDF5:"OMI.he5"://HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/ViewingZenithAngle
> SUBDATASET_3_DESC=[720x1440]
> //HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI_Column_Amount_O3/Data_Fields/ViewingZenithAngle
> (32-bit floating-point)
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left ( 0.0, 0.0)
> Lower Left ( 0.0, 512.0)
> Upper Right ( 512.0, 0.0)
> Lower Right ( 512.0, 512.0)
> Center ( 256.0, 256.0)
> .....
> with thanks & regards
> Venkat
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Ivan Lucena <ivan.lucena at pmldnet.com> wrote:
>> Hi Venkat,
>> If gdalinfo is not showing the subdataset list, like in you case, it would be impossible to identify a dataset as your DATA parameter.
>> What version is the GDAL that you are using on command line? Is that the same that mapserver is using?
>> Note that there are some flavors of HDF products that are not supported by all version of GDAL/HDF.
>> Regards,
>> Ivan
>>> -------Original Message-------
>>> From: Venkat Shesu Reddem <venkat.shesu at gmail.com>
>>> To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: [mapserver-users] How to add HDF-EOS data layer in MapServer
>>> Sent: Feb 26 '10 11:02
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am trying to add HDF-EOS data layer to MapServer application. Can anyone
>>> help me in defining the syntax of the layer.
>>> the following is the "gdalinfo" for the given HDF dataset
>>> Driver: HDF5Image/HDF5 Dataset
>>> Files: none associated
>>> Size is 1440, 720
>>> Coordinate System is:
>>> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
>>> DATUM["WGS_1984",
>>> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
>>> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
>>> TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
>>> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
>>> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
>>> AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
>>> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
>>> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],
>>> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
>>> Metadata:
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:OrbitNumber=29703 29704 29705 29706 29707 29708 29709
>>> 29710 29711 29712 29713 29714 29715 29716 29717 29718 29719 29720 29721
>>> 29722 29723 29724 29725 29726 29727 29728 29729 29730 29731 29732 29733
>>> 29734 29735 29736 29737 29738 29739 29740 29741 29742 29743 29744 29745
>>> 29746 29747
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:OrbitPeriod=5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933
>>> 5934 5933 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933
>>> 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933 5933 5934 5934 5933 5934 5933 5933
>>> 5934 5933 5934 5933 5934 5933
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:InstrumentName=OMI
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:ProcessLevel=3e
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleMonth=2
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleDay=15
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleYear=2010
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:GranuleDayOfYear=46
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:TAI93At0zOfGranule=5.40346e+008
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:StartUTC=2010-02-14T12:15:00.000000Z
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:EndUTC=2010-02-16T11:45:00.000000Z
>>> FILE_ATTRIBUTES:Period=Daily
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:GCTPProjectionCode=0
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:Projection=Geographic
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:GridOrigin=Center
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpacing=(0.25,0.25)
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpacingUnit=deg
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpan=(-180,180,-90,90)
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:GridSpanUnit=deg
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:NumberOfLongitudesInGrid=1440
>>> OMI Column Amount O3:NumberOfLatitudesInGrid=720
>>> Corner Coordinates:
>>> Upper Left ( 0.0, 0.0)
>>> Lower Left ( 0.0, 720.0)
>>> Upper Right ( 1440.0, 0.0)
>>> Lower Right ( 1440.0, 720.0)
>>> Center ( 720.0, 360.0)
>>> Band 1 Block=1440x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>>> Metadata:
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:_FillValue=-1267650600228229400000000000000.000000
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:Units=NoUnits
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:Title=Radiative Cloud Fraction = fc*Ic331/Im331
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:UniqueFieldDefinition=TOMS-OMI-Shared
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:ScaleFactor=1
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:Offset=0
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:ValidRange=0.000000 1.000000
>>> RadiativeCloudFraction:MissingValue=-1267650600228229400000000000000.000000
>>> ---
>>> with thanks & regards
>>> Venkat
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