[mapserver-users] MapServer 5.6.1 released

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Jan 8 14:08:21 PST 2010

The MapServer team is pleased to announce the release of MapServer 
version 5.6.1.

No new functionality has been added. This is a maintenance release that 
fixes a few issues found in 5.6.0, including a few important ones 
related to queries that may have prevented some users from upgrading to 
5.6.0. The list of fixes since 5.6.0 is included at the end of this message.

The source code is available at:


The binary distributions listed in the download page should be updated 
with the new release in the next few days.

Version 5.6.1 (2010-01-08):

- Changed msSaveImageBufferGD to be in accordance with msSaveImageGD (#3201)

- Changed the query map rendering implementation without adding extra layers
   to the map (#3069)

- SQL Server 2008 plugin is not handling null field values correctly (#2893)

- Hatch symbol not properly saved (#2905)

- Expose symbolObj.inmapfile to the SWIG API, have already been exposed
   to PHP (#3233)

- Expose getGeomTransform/setGeomTransform to SWIG instead of exposing the
   private vars for rfc48 (#3214)

- Fixed writeSymbol to support writing 'ANGLE AUTO' (#3214)

- Fixed problems with point queries not working via the CGI (mode=query
   or mode=nquery) (#3246)

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