[mapserver-users] mapserver documentation: unique gid using srid=x ?

Ivan Mincik ivan.mincik at gista.sk
Fri Jan 29 09:07:21 PST 2010

according Mapserver docs: http://mapserver.org/input/vector/postgis.html there is different syntax of using "USING 
UNIQUE gid USING SRID=x" string in DATA  line in similar cases.

In simple case example:
DATA "the_geom from the_database USING unique gid using srid=4326"

In case of using a SQL subquery example:
DATA "the_geom from (select g.gid, g.the_geom, a.attr1, a.attr2 from geotable g join attrtable a on g.gid = a.aid) as 
subquery unique gid using srid=4326"

When comparing these two examples, second example (SQL subquery example) is missing first "USING" keyword. Shouldn't be 
second example as following:
DATA "the_geom from (select g.gid, g.the_geom, a.attr1, a.attr2 from geotable g join attrtable a on g.gid = a.aid) as 
subquery USING unique gid using srid=4326"

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