[mapserver-users] Windows 2008; Java; 64 Bit

umn-ms at hydrotec.de umn-ms at hydrotec.de
Tue Jul 13 12:26:08 EDT 2010

Hi Tamas

I created trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3491. 

In hope of advise I was bold enough to put your email-adress in cc :-)

Best regards , Benedikt

Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com> schrieb am 13.07.2010 16:43:53:

> Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com> 
> 13.07.2010 16:52
> An
> umn-ms at hydrotec.de
> Kopie
> mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Thema
> Re: [mapserver-users] Windows 2008; Java; 64 Bit
> Benedikt,
> It may be a bug in the mapscript Java bindings, feel free to create a 
> for this issue.
> Best regards,
> Tamas

> 2010/7/13 <umn-ms at hydrotec.de>
> I want to use Mapserver in TomCat6; Windows 2008; 64 Bit; Sun-Java 
> Mapserver compiled by Tamas Szekeres: release-1500-x64-gdal-1-7-
> mapserver-5-6.zip (vbkto.dyndns.org/sdk/Default.aspx ) 
> Unfortunately the Java-VM crashes! 
> To reduce the problem I tried example-programs in <UMN>\mapscript
> \java\examples\ 
> - MakePoint runs without error. 
> - QueryByAttribute results in the same crash as the "big-tomcat-
> environment" does. 
> As far as I can see, the crash occurs every time, when a string-
> parameter ist provided to the Mapserver API. 
> I think, that the VM-crash occurs, when the function 
> "JNU_GetStringNativeChars(jenv, jarg1)" from mapscript_wrap.c 
> is called. 
> Surprinsingly the error occurs with other  release-XXX-packages 
fromTamas too.
> It even occurs, when I use a 32-Bit-Environment an MS4w on this 
> I attach an hs_err_pid-xxxx.log-File. 
> Does anybody has any advice? 
> Greetings, Benedikt 
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