[mapserver-users] strange issue PostGis + Mapserver

Yves Jacolin yves.jacolin at camptocamp.com
Fri Jul 16 04:52:05 PDT 2010


did you check if your feature are valid?

Le vendredi 16 juillet 2010 13:47:41, Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses a écrit :
> Hello everybody and excuse me for the crossposting,
> I'd like to report a strange issue I have with Mapserver and PostGis
> in order to get some new "ideas" on the problem.
> [Environment]
> * Ubuntu Karmic Server
> * Mapserver 5.4.2
> * Postgres 8.3.9
> * Postgis 1.5.1
> * Postgis table with +30000 Multipolygon records, this layer was
> originally in a shapefile, which I don't have, and I know that the
> shapefile was build from smaller ones. I'm publishing the layer with a
> WMS.
> [Problem]
> * If I make a GetFeatureInfo on the WMS, I get the info only in some
> zones and in other zones I get an "Content-type:
> application/vnd.ogc.se_xml" error. I suspect that the zones are
> related to the original smaller shapefiles that made the original and
> bigger shapefile.
> [Weirdo]
> * The XML error has the "ServiceException" tag empty, there is no
> other trace of error.
> * If I export the layer as shapefile and publish the shapefile as WMS
> I get the info in all the zones.
> [Things I've tried]
> * I tried  serving the WMS in DEBUG mode but the error log doesn't
> report anything.
> * I tried exporting and importing the shapefile again from/into
> Postgis, using gvSIG  and/or shp2pgsql, nevertheless I get the same
> issue.
> * I've googled the mailing lists, I've seen that some SQLServer2008
> users report something similar, but the solution was migration to
> PostGIS :(
> Has someone seen/experienced/reported something similar?
> Tanks in advance.

Yves Jacolin

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