[mapserver-users] getmap request with SLD failing after upgrade to 5.6.0
DeDuikertjes at xs4all.nl
Wed Mar 3 01:01:55 PST 2010
The ticket refers to WFS OCG filter rgex tests for numeric values.
So, it seems to extend to WMS as well (need to expand the ticket ?).
Does this mean that I have te wait for this to be fixed, and then
packaged in FGS?
(mapserver compilation is something I cannot do).
Now to check that I understand well:
The expression which is generated on the basis of the SLD should not read:
EXPRESSION ([geoidn] = NL.IMRO.0184.EP127818521-00)
but should read:
EXPRESSION ("[geoidn]" == "NL.IMRO.0184.EP127818521-00")
Note the two sets of double quotes and the second =
Bart van den Eijnden schreef:
> Then I fear you have run into (like myself):
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3289
> Assefa can confirm this. Btw the fix was only done in trunk, should it not be done in the 5.6 branch as well?
> Best regards,
> Bart
> On Mar 3, 2010, at 9:41 AM, DeDuikertjes wrote:
>> Bart,
>> I've tried to do so, no difference in either error file or temporary mapfile expressions
>> MArco
>> Bart van den Eijnden schreef:
>>> It seems Mapserver does not treat your column as a character column, try using the following METADATA on your source layer (so not in the temporary MAP file):
>>> "gml_geoidn_type" "Character"
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bart
>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 8:52 AM, DeDuikertjes wrote:
>>>> Bart,
>>>> Thanks for the suggestion. I've opened up the temporary MAP file. A layer definition from this file is (there are a LOT more like that):
>>>> LAYER
>>>> CONNECTION "host=xxxxxxx user=xxxxx dbname=xxxxxxx"
>>>> DATA 'tc_punt_geometry from "NL.IMRO.0184.Zeewijkfase4-0201_aggregated" using unique oid using srid=28992'
>>>> GROUP "query"
>>>> "wms_srs" "EPSG:28992 EPSG:900913 EPSG:4326"
>>>> "ows_feature_id" "geoidn"
>>>> "ows_group_title" "query"
>>>> "ows_extent" "170861.5122 520007.0618 171570.1698 520546.6582"
>>>> "gml_exclude_items" "tc_multi_geometry,tc_vlak_geometry,tc_lijn_geometry,tc_punt_geometry"
>>>> "ows_title" "query_punt"
>>>> "gml_include_items" "all"
>>>> "ows_exclude_items" "all"
>>>> END
>>>> NAME "query_punt"
>>>> "init=epsg:28992"
>>>> END
>>>> TEMPLATE "query.html"
>>>> CLASS
>>>> NAME "Unknown"
>>>> EXPRESSION ([geoidn] = NL.IMRO.0184.EP127818521-00)
>>>> STYLE
>>>> ANGLE 360
>>>> COLOR 255 0 255
>>>> OPACITY 40
>>>> SIZE 2
>>>> SYMBOL "sld_line_symbol"
>>>> WIDTH 1
>>>> END
>>>> STYLE
>>>> ANGLE 360
>>>> COLOR 255 0 255
>>>> OPACITY 40
>>>> SYMBOL 0
>>>> WIDTH 1
>>>> END
>>>> STYLE
>>>> ANGLE 360
>>>> OPACITY 40
>>>> OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 255
>>>> SIZE 2
>>>> SYMBOL "sld_line_symbol"
>>>> WIDTH 1
>>>> END
>>>> END
>>>> END
>>>> MArco
>>>> Bart van den Eijnden schreef:
>>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>>> Mapserver has saved a temporary MAP file, please open it up and check if something is wrong in there, or post the LAYER definition to the mailing list.
>>>>>> /var/www/cgi-bin/../html/viewerfabriek-alpha/data/vf_80.101.100.35_check/4b8d40f7e0787/4b8e0df9_52ef_0._sld.map
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Bart
>>>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 8:30 AM, DeDuikertjes wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> I've did as you said, but can't get a clue on what's going on.
>>>>>> The error file shows:
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].677158 msApplySLD(): Map file after SLD was applied /var/www/cgi-bin/../html/viewerfabriek-alpha/data/vf_80.101.100.35_check/4b8d40f7e0787/4b8e0df9_52ef_0._sld.map[Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].731599 msyyparse(): Expression parser error. syntax error
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].731628 msEvalExpression: Expression parser error. Failed to parse expression: NL.IMRO.0184.BA127909736-00 = NL.IMRO.0184.EP127818521-00
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].731649 msyyparse(): Expression parser error. syntax error
>>>>>> And a lot more of these expression errors.
>>>>>> Then followed by
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].745454 msDrawMap(): Layer 0 (query_vlak), 0.029s
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].747286 msDrawMap(): Layer 1 (query_lijn), 0.002s
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].749832 msDrawMap(): Layer 2 (query_punt), 0.003s
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].750760 msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].750771 msDrawMap() total time: 0.046s
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].999507 msSaveImage() total time: 0.249s
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].999706 mapserv request processing time (msLoadMap not incl.): 0.336s
>>>>>> [Wed Mar 3 08:21:29 2010].999723 msFreeMap(): freeing map at 0x81bf400.
>>>>>> What is going wrong?
>>>>>> MArco
>>>>>> Yewondwossen Assefa schreef:
>>>>>>> Hi There,
>>>>>>> One way to debug would be to set your map file in debug, something like this:
>>>>>>> CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "f:/msapps/gmap-ms40/htdocs/gmap.log"
>>>>>>> DEBUG 5
>>>>>>> and check the logs. It should show you the map file after the sld has been applied. That might give a hint on what went wrong.
>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>> DeDuikertjes wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi List,
>>>>>>>> Finally I managed to upgrade mapserver 5.1-dev (FWTools) to 5.6.0 (FGS).
>>>>>>>> I use it as a WMS. Everything looks fine, but I've one anoying problem:
>>>>>>>> When I do a getmap-request with an SLD I get an empty image back, while
>>>>>>>> 5.1-dev gives me a proper result.
>>>>>>>> Other getmap requests work fine.
>>>>>>>> I tested this several times by swapping the old mapserv executable with
>>>>>>>> the new one.
>>>>>>>> an example of a getmap request which fails on 5.6.0 and succeeds in
>>>>>>>> 5.1-dev is:
>>>>>>>> E%3C%2Fsld%3AFill%3E%3Csld%3AStroke%3E%3Csld%3ACssParameter%20name%3D%22stroke%22%3E%23FF00FF%3C%2Fsld%3ACssParameter%3E%3Csld%3ACssParameter%20name%3D%22stroke-opacity%22%3E0.4%3C%2Fsld%3ACssParameter%3E%3Csld%3ACssParameter%20name%3D%22stroke-width%22%3E2%3C%2Fsld%3ACssParameter%3E%3C%2Fsld%3AStroke%3E%3C%2Fsld%3APolygonSymbolizer%3E%3Csld%3ALineSymbolizer%3E%3Csld%3AStroke%3E%3Csld%3ACssParameter%20name%3D%22stroke%22%3E%23FF00FF%3C%2Fsld%3ACssParameter%3E%3Csld%3ACssParameter%20name%3D%22stroke-opacity%22%3E0.4%3C%2Fsld%3ACssParameter%3E%3Csld%3ACssParameter%20name%3D%22stroke-width%22%3E2%3C%2Fsld%3ACssParameter%3E%3C%2Fsld%3AStroke%3E%3C%2Fsld%3ALineSymbolizer%3E%3C%2Fsld%3ARule%3E%3C%2Fsld%3AFeatureTypeStyle%3E%3C%2Fsld%3AUserStyle%3E%3C%2Fsld%3ANamedLayer%3E%3C%2Fsld%3AStyledLayerDescriptor%3E&SRS=EPSG%3A900913&BBOX=625312.21905694,6921632.3781404,627462.0104771,6922637.4056294&WIDTH=1800&HEIGHT=841 any help greatly appreciated, MArco
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