[mapserver-users] GDAL WMS

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 03:41:54 PDT 2010

2010/3/15 James Perrins <james.perrins at gmail.com>

> It seems that mapserver requests too many tiles / images from WMS for
> the current screen image required - it then re-samples this resulting
> in poor quality being served through mapserver (and often with too
> much detail for the size returned meaning its still more broken up on
> labels etc)

MapServer resamples the image according to the desired scale (which is not
necessarily the same as the scale of the WMS source). You could somewhat
increase the quality of the resampling by specifying a more sophisticated
algorithm as a layer processing option, for example:


By default a larger image is requersted from the data source which may
result in a higher amount of tiles to be downloaded. This effect can be
controlled by specifying the oversample ratio, for example:


Best regards,

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