[mapserver-users] Map file xsl transformation and regular expressions

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Fri Mar 19 11:49:54 PDT 2010

Alexandre, you are right, if the expression is an regular expression, it 
shouldn't be quoted. I think the only solution would be to add an attribute in 
the xml schema, that will specify if the expression is an regular expression 
of not. Something like:

<expression regex="ON"></expression>

In this case, the xsl transformation would not quote it. I take a note on that 
and should fix this in the next few days.

Thanks for reporting!

On March 19, 2010 02:21:45 pm Alexandre Soares wrote:
> Hi,
> When I transform my xml map file to a map file, my expressions that contain
> a regular expression (the same is true for filters) are rendered with
>  double quotes (because the stylesheet has the quote="1" param for those
>  templates).
> Is there an intended way to achieve this? I know I could modify the
> stylesheet to not quote those elements and then quote-wrap my value if I
> need them (in case of string comparison).
> Thank you!

Alan Boudreault

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