[mapserver-users] RE: DEM display

Fawcett, David (MPCA) David.Fawcett at state.mn.us
Thu Nov 4 06:31:59 PDT 2010

I would pre-render all of my hillshades and then add them as simple raster layers.


From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of David Hildebrand
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 6:25 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] DEM display

I have an SRTM file in TIF format which I want to display in a shaded relief but I'm not sure of the approach I should take.  Do I need to define classes and symbols for the layer (that would not help for the hillshade) or should I execute a script (PERL) on the server to create the image I need on the fly?

Thanks for the tips.

David V. Hildebrand
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
(403) 782-8239

www.afsc.ca<about:www.afsc.ca> <http://www.afsc.ca<http://www.afsc.ca/>>
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