[mapserver-users] Tool for configure mapfile

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Thu Nov 4 09:59:42 EDT 2010

MSCompanion is a good try but I do not know if it is developed any more.
-Jukka Rahkonen


	pelin  wrote: 
	you can use vim, it has syntax highlighting
	2010/11/3 Julian Wiersbitzki <jw at hbt.de>

		Is there a good tool (besides Emacs, vi, etc.pp.) for configuring a mapfile? Our mapfile gets bigger and bigger and it's getting very "unhandlich". ;-) Perhaps there is already a faq for this?
		TIA, Julian
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	         Rolando Sergio Rodriguez

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