[mapserver-users] dynamic coloring in mapserver?

Mukesh Subedee msubedee at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 17:21:20 EDT 2010

I am new to map server. I have been playing with it and finding it interesting. 
I have a shape file with database containing different area (polygon) codes. 
Let's say I have x.dbf file for a x.shp file and it contains a row with polygon 
code (I don't worry about layers). 

I want to color one or more area as desired by the user. e.g. If a user desires 
to color area number 12 that corresponds to a region (polygon) in the map, the 
desired area should be colored with specific color. 

Is it possible to do such thing with MapServer? Is it possible to dynamically 
assign specific color to the polygon area with it?
Thanks a lot!

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