[mapserver-users] Mapscript vs fastcgi

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Nov 15 17:12:43 PST 2010

On 11/15/2010 7:51 PM, Ian Walberg wrote:
> We are testing an application which currently uses curl to call lighttpd
> (with fastcgi) and simple map files.
> When we do the same via the command line using the same map files but
> mapscript to render the image the difference is speed is huge, 4-5 time
> longer using php/mapscript.
>  From a first look the Drawing Label Cache is one of the main areas
> which is taking much longer, say 40-50 seconds instead of 2-4 seconds!
> Just about to start looking in more detail but hoping someone out there
> knows why the huge difference.

One of the first things I would check is make sure you are drawing both 
images at the same scale. And that you are rendering the same layers. 
Inclusion of an additional layer or a small scale change could 
potentially throw a lot more objects into the label cache.

-Steve W

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