[mapserver-users] MapScript Wrappers for WxS Services

David Hildebrand David.Hildebrand at afsc.ca
Thu Nov 25 10:04:36 PST 2010

I'm wondering how much work has been done out there with integrating WFS
calls into client-side applications?  I have an application which
displays WMS layers and I need to zoom to the extent of a particular
parcel of one of the layers.  That particular layer is also defined as a
WFS layer so I can use filter encoding to return the GML string with
respect to the particular parcel of interest.  I also have some PHP code
with MapScript calls on a client which collects parameters from a form.
What I would like to do is to construct a URL to query the particular
parcel specified in the form and then retrieve the extents of the parcel
to set the zoom parameters.


Any suggestions?





David V. Hildebrand

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation

(403) 782-8239   

www.afsc.ca <http://www.afsc.ca <http://www.afsc.ca/> >

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