[mapserver-users] Re: mapserver and i18n

teeschke daniel.teske at web.de
Thu Oct 7 12:04:57 EDT 2010

> I think that what needs to be passed to mapserver is something like
> lang=en_US and that is then used to select the appropriate alias. And if
> that does not exist then there are appropriate rules for how to handle
> it or error out.
> -Steve 

I'm also not a friend of the idea to have multiple copys of our ~50 mapfiles
(~each with 1.000- 5.000 lines of configuration) and modify just all
language effected parts - this is a huge rat tail.

processing the lang-parameter is a nice idea

DATA "geom from data where lang='%lang%'" # this could be a solution, but
doesn't looks good when no 

lang parameter is defined
LABELITEM "%LANG%HIGHWAY"  # this could be a solution


"gml_ID_alias" "%GML_ID_NO%" would bring to much informations into the
client and the requests are not ogc confirm anymore. furthermore this could
bring trouble with WFS-GetFeature-Requests.

this is much better:

"ows_title" "highways" # default layer title
"ows_title_fr" "..." # france layer title

"ows_group_title" "Infrastructure" # default group name
"ows_group_title_fr" "..." # france group name

"gml_ID_alias" "Number" # default alias
"gml_NAME_alias_fr" '... # france alias

NAME 'good'  # default class name
NAME_fr 'good'  # france class name (oups, not looking good)

Thanks a lot and regards,
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/mapserver-and-i18n-tp5607348p5611955.html
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