[mapserver-users] mapserver and netCDF data format.

abhijeet kodgire kodgire.abhijeet at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 12:37:46 PDT 2010

Hello All,

I am investigating mapserver to see if we can use it for our project. I had
few doubts after reading the data formats supported by mapserver.

Mapserver document says netCDF dataformat is supported with GDAL library.

My question here was, Can we upload/publish the netCDF data with WCS
protocol and then get spatial/temporal subset of it back as netCDF file with
GetCoverage request? If yes, How to publish your netCDF data with WCS ? what
is the output of GetCoverage request? (Is it netCDF file or some other
format?). I ma asking this because netCDF format is not directly supported
in mapserver, one has to install GDAL library.

Does GDAL library convert the netCDF data to some other format nd publish it
with mapserver? I was wondering how t works.

Let me know what you people think, by reading document its not very clear if
I can use mapserver for my project.

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