[mapserver-users] Best way to store ArcInfo annotations in PostGIS?

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Mon Oct 25 17:48:54 PDT 2010


Only some benchmarks could tell us for sure, but I don't imagine that
option 1 would be that much slower than option 2, if it's slower at all.
Once the text has been stroked in option 2, you cannot change its style
or size any more. OTOH, with #1 you keep all that flexibility.
Personally I'd go with #1 unless you can verify with some tests that #2
is really faster, and if that's the case we'd like to hear back from you
and find out more.


Martin Ouellet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I see 2 ways for doing that:
> 1) store the centroid (as a point geometry), rotation, text and maybe
> the size of the annotation in my postgis table
> 2) using FME transformer (TextStroker), I can convert the annotation as
> a multi-polygone or polyline directly.  Playing with the font and some
> offset parameter, the result is pretty amazing (when I overlap the
> annotation and the geometry generated by the transformer) 
> In a WMS map rendering point of view:
> Q1: I presume that the solution #2 will be much faster than rendering à
> label based on a point, rotation and text?
> Q2: beside the limitation of solution #2 (cannot change font, size or
> position of the text (geometry), is there others importants limitations
> that I forgot?
> Q3: Any recommendations?
> cheers!
> MartinOuellet
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Daniel Morissette

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