[mapserver-users] MapServer Windows7 EasyPHP setup

elisabeth theresia dbee_kawai at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 25 23:29:49 EDT 2010

Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer Windows7 EasyPHP setup

On 10-10-22 8:25 AM, greg.luker at scu.edu.au wrote:
> Hi MapServers,
> I have a new computer with Windows 7 Pro (64-bit), on which I'd like to
> get MapServer running. I have installed EasyPHP-5.3.3 (because I heard
> it worked on Win7), and so I have Apache, PHP and MySQL running. I
> downloaded ms4w_3.0_beta11 and copied the entire cgi-bin directory into
> the EasyPHP home directory. I started MapServer but got a message:
> msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. major axis or radius =
> 0 or not given
> I guess there are quite a few configuration settings that I haven't set
> yet. Is it worth persevering with EasyPHP, or does ms4w work on Win7,
> and therefore should I just uninstall EasyPHP (and Apache, PHP and
> MySQL) and install ms4w?

Hello Mr. Greg, 

i ever met that problem too, i thought MS4W current version (i used old version) 
can't work in Win 7 (64-bit) if (32-bit) maybe it work. Then, i change OS in 
different laptop (because my laptop 64-bit) to Win XP for save work :D

i hope can help :)


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