[mapserver-users] question about joining

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Tue Oct 26 08:28:34 PDT 2010


I have not used the Join shapefile to database function in mapserver before.
I just have a couple questions

*	The description explains that "It is important to understand that
JOINs are ONLY available once a query has been processed. You cannot use
joins to affect the look of a map."  Does that mean that we can only use the
joins for templates.  If possible, I would like to label using a field in a
joined table.
*	Is the following formatted correctly 

			NAME "MyJoin"
			TABLE "LyonCounty/Parcels/test.dbf" #location of the
dbf file
			FROM "PARCEL_ID"  #shapefile field
			TO "PIN"   #dbf field
			TEXT ("Name" * [MyJoin_MYNAME])  #label using the
joined table


Mark Volz
GIS Specialist
Lyon County, MN

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