[mapserver-users] query for ALL the layers

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Oct 26 10:31:25 PDT 2010

Do all the files share exactly the same set of attributes? If yes then
you could use a TILEINDEX (or create a Seamless Table in MapInfo) to
load them all as part of the same layer. If the attributes definitions
differ from file to file then I fear you're out of luck.

Sebastian E. Ovide wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm using a query from a MapInfo like this:
> DATA 'select * from sa_merged_01 where ogr_geometry = POLYGON or
> ogr_geometry = MULTIPOLYGON'
> Which select polygons and multipolygons from one single layer. 
> My datasource have tens of layers (doing ogrinfo ./mydata/ I can see
> tens of layers)... How can I select all of them ? Any query that I can use ?
> thanks
> -- 
> Sebastian E. Ovide
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Daniel Morissette

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