[mapserver-users] free multilayer GIS data

Wim Vanbelle wimvanbelle at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 08:25:22 EDT 2011

I'd start here:


<http://downloads.cloudmade.com/>And then look for additional data in the
OpenStreetMap project.

On top of those, googling around for 'open data' also comes up with a lot of
info :).

On 17 August 2011 12:55, Esmin Gracić <esmin.gracic at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need to make a presentation on free gis stack (apache phpmapscript pg
> pgrouting) to some interested party.
> My question is do you know where I could get some nice free GIS data with
> multiple layers like roads (to build pgrouting stuff on), houses, objects,
> gasline, powerline, optical cables, water etc...
> This is for demo only, so area does not have to more than 1km2.
> Pointing in right direction, would be helpful, too.
> Thanks, Esmin.
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