[mapserver-users] Problem displaying a NAD83 tile in WGS84 (or via WMS)

Ed Resnick eresnick at tapestrysolutions.com
Thu Aug 18 19:46:47 EDT 2011

I have a MrSID file in NAD83 projection (EPGS 4269) which I want to display via WMS in WGS84 projection (EPGS 4326). I cannot get this to work.

I have tried setting the entire map-file's projection to 4269, with the extent specified in that projection (in meters), and shp2img shows the image, but attempting to view it via WMS (requesting the 4326 projection) does not work, and the GetCapabilities response file is completely wrong - the LatLonBoundingBox tags actually list the 4269 bounding box in meters. Excerpt:

    <LatLonBoundingBox minx="555230" miny="5.04658e+006" maxx="556972" maxy="5.04804e+006" />
    <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4269"
                minx="555230" miny="5.04658e+006" maxx="556972" maxy="5.04804e+006" />

The BoundingBox is correct; the LatLonBoundingBox obviously is not.

I have also tried specifying 4326 as the map projection and 4269 as the layer projection, with the map's extent in lat/lon and the layer's extent as the above value (meters). Not only did this not work, but even shp2img just shows a blank image. If I change the map's extent to the value in meters (even though its projection is specified as 4326), then shp2img works, but the WMS feed still does not; the GetCapabilities still is wrong.

Is MapServer simply buggy or is there a solution?

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