[mapserver-users] problem with Symbol and Style

Havard Tveite havard.tveite at umb.no
Mon Aug 29 05:29:15 PDT 2011

The example I provided should give you an outline
(color 200 112 64).


On 8/28/2011 8:30 PM, Valeria Munoz I wrote:
> Can i display a outliner?
> Thanks for the reply!!
> Enviado desde mi iPhone
> El 27-08-2011, a las 17:44, Havard Tveite<havard.tveite at umb.no>  escribió:
>> Valeria,
>> To display simple lines (in the latest versions of
>> Mapserver), you should take away the SYMBOL from the
>> STYLE, and specify the WIDTH of the line (not the
>> SIZE). You can skip ANTIALIAS (you can't even turn
>> it off for AGG).
>>   WIDTH 12
>>   COLOR 200 112 64
>> END
>>   WIDTH 10
>>   COLOR 224 136 72
>> END
>> Håvard
>> On 26/08/11 23:32, Valeria Muñoz wrote:
>>> HI!!!
>>> i have problem with my mapfile. i'm trying to display street but i just
>>> get circle like this not a continuous and perfect line.
>>> my mapserver version is 6.
>>> please help!!
>>> my code is:
>>>      NAME 'RM'
>>>      TYPE LINE
>>>      MAXSCALE 15000
>>>      LABELMAXSCALE 15000
>>>      MINSCALE 5000
>>>      LABELMINSCALE 5000
>>>          DATA 'street.shp'
>>>      METADATA
>>> 'wms_title'RM'
>>>      END
>>>      TRANSPARENCY 100
>>> 'proj=longlat'
>>> 'ellps=WGS84'
>>> 'datum=WGS84'
>>> 'no_defs'
>>> ''
>>>      END
>>>          CLASS
>>>              NAME 'c_RM'
>>>            STYLE
>>>              SYMBOL 'linecc'
>>>              ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>              SIZE 12
>>>              COLOR 200 112 64
>>>             END
>>>             STYLE
>>>              SYMBOL 'defline'
>>>              ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>              SIZE 10
>>>              COLOR 224 136 72
>>>             END
>>>              LABEL
>>>              TYPE truetype
>>>              FONT 'arialbd'
>>>              SIZE 9
>>>              MINSIZE 9
>>>              MAXSIZE 9
>>>              ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>              COLOR 25 25 25
>>>              ANGLE FOLLOW
>>>              FORCE FALSE
>>>              POSITION cc
>>>              BUFFER 10
>>>              MINDISTANCE 7000
>>>              MINFEATURESIZE 50
>>>              OFFSET 0 0
>>>              PARTIALS FALSE
>>>          END
>>>      END
>>> END
>>>   Symbol
>>>          Name 'linecc'
>>>          Type ELLIPSE
>>>          Filled TRUE
>>>          ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>          Points
>>>              1 1
>>>              END
>>>      END
>>>      Symbol
>>>          Name 'defline'
>>>          Type ELLIPSE
>>>          Filled TRUE
>>>          ANTIALIAS TRUE
>>>          Points
>>>              1 1
>>>              END
>>>          END
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Håvard Tveite
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, UMB
Drøbakveien 31, POBox 5003, N-1432 Ås, NORWAY
Phone: +47 64965483 Fax: +47 64965401 http://www.umb.no/imt/

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