[mapserver-users] Using OSM with our own data

Nico Alberti n8 at langhirano.it
Thu Dec 1 08:36:00 PST 2011

Hi everybody.

After quite a long time I am back using mapserver. Seeing how well it is 
cabable of rendering OSM data I would like to use it as a background for 
the geographical information I would like to display. I followed the 
nice howto and now my new Mapserver setup is ready to display a local 
stored portion of Openstreetmap OR my own data, not both :-)

The problem, as far as I know,  is that I cannot successfully merge the 
mapfile I created for my data and the one automatically generated by the 
mapserver-utils mapfile generator; if I try to paste the LAYER part 
containing my data, it is apparently ignored (and not even wrongly 
projected, as far as I can see). Is there any caveat I can be aware of 
or, better, is there some other doc explaining the use of OSM data with 
other layers?

Thank you in advance and sorry for my poor English


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