[mapserver-users] Mapcache question.

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 23:05:01 PST 2011

only the wms and wmts services support dimensions (there is no spec
defining this support for the others).

you can either adapt your gmaps/js code to build a wmts url, or hack
into the mapcache code to add dimension support to the tms / gmaps


On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 22:23, forums <forums at craniumjuice.com> wrote:
> I almost have it, I just can't seem to get the targetdate dimension to
> populate.
> /mapcache/gmaps/country at WGS84/1/1/0.png works fine if I don't have the
> layers that require the targetdate parameter.  I get a "parameter pattern
> failed validation" error returned from Mapserver when I have the necessary
> layers defined in the mapcache config file.
> The obvious thing for me to try was:
> /mapcache/gmaps/country at WGS84/1/1/0.png?targetdate=201112042105
> But that failed.  Is there a way to get the targetdate to fill in? I've
> moved it around a bit, but still can't get it to fill in.
> Thanks again!!
> Jerl
> On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 2:59 PM, forums <forums at craniumjuice.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Stephen and Thomas.
>> I think I'll be good with the dimension and the disk cache.
>>  Unfortunately, the apache we have doesn't have memcache built into it (too
>> much hassle to upgrade it right now) and the version of SQLite is too
>> old...also a hassle to upgrade.
>> I was able to get it to load the proper map when just using the entire
>> bounding box, the whole world.  Now to make it work with the the tilemode
>> for google...which looks like that should be straight forward??
>> Thanks guys!!
>> Jerl
>> On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 2:00 PM, thomas bonfort <thomas.bonfort at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Jerl,
>>> mapcache itself does not do any pruning of the caches it has created,
>>> but you can get the same effect by using a cache backend that supports
>>> expiration (i.e. memcache).
>>> Mapcache can fit your need, provided:
>>> - you configure your tileset with a "targetdate" <dimension>- you use
>>> a memcache backend to store the created tiles, and set an <expires>
>>> value in mapcache to 5 hours
>>> If the memory requirement for storing 5 hours worth of tiles is too
>>> important for a memcache server instance, you can have a look at
>>> membase which will also store less frequently used data to disk. The
>>> membase protocol is compatible with memcache, so you can use either
>>> memcache or membase with the same mapcache configuration.
>>> Of course, by running a script every hour to delete expired tiles as
>>> you are doing now, you can then use the classic disk based cache
>>> backend.
>>> regards,
>>> thomas
>>> On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 20:13, forums <forums at craniumjuice.com> wrote:
>>> > Hi:
>>> >
>>> > I hope this is the proper place to ask questions about Mapcache since
>>> > it's
>>> > been moved into the trunk of Mapserver.
>>> >
>>> > I'm wondering if Mapcache can help with a particular setup, and if so
>>> > maybe
>>> > some advice or direction on where to start?
>>> >
>>> > Here's the setup.  Every 5 minutes a new set of GeoTiffs are created in
>>> > a
>>> > new directory.  I create a tileindex for the GeoTiffs and use those in
>>> > the
>>> > map layer.  Every hour, anything more than 5hours old gets deleted.
>>> > I have a single mapfile setup.
>>> >
>>> > The general layer is setup like:
>>> >
>>> >     LAYER
>>> >         NAME 'IMG1'
>>> >         METADATA
>>> >             'wms_title'           'IMG 1'
>>> >             'wms_srs'             'EPSG:4326'
>>> >             'wms_extent'          'MINX MINY MAXX MAXY'
>>> >             'default_targetdate' ''
>>> >             'targetdate_validation_pattern' '^[0-9]{12}$'
>>> >         END
>>> >         STATUS ON
>>> >         TILEINDEX '/PATH/TO/IMG/DIR/%targetdate%/TILEINDEX.shp'
>>> >         TILEITEM 'Location'
>>> >         TYPE RASTER
>>> >     END
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I'm currently loading these images as overlays for Googlemaps. using
>>> > the
>>> > mode=tile&tilemode=gmaps...&targetdate=2011...etc.
>>> > Problem is it's too slow. I end up loading hundreds of images, as I
>>> > basically create an animation using sequential times.
>>> >
>>> > I'd like to be able to have a single mapcache config file, that will
>>> > pass
>>> > the date through to pull the proper shapefile, and have the result
>>> > cached so
>>> > next time it's loading off the disk.  MOST of the images end up being
>>> > blank/transparent tiles.
>>> >
>>> > Is Mapcache a good choice for this?
>>> > The front end for this is just a simple GoogleMaps viewport, but ends
>>> > up
>>> > loading multiple timeslots for display.  It generates the request URL
>>> > (not
>>> > currently in WMS fashion but could be).
>>> >
>>> > Thanks for any help I can get.
>>> >
>>> > Jerl
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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