[mapserver-users] Queryfile w/ ms 5.6.3

nikos at maich.gr nikos at maich.gr
Wed Dec 14 06:15:06 PST 2011


 I have searched but have not found a clear way to use savequery and 
 queryfiles with ms > 5.6.
 I have seen a few posts regarding the change in the format w/ 5.6x but 
 I have not understood how to implement it.
 My app/queryfiles/savequery works with ms 5.3 but not w/ 5.6.3 on linux 
 from the fwtools distro.

 Using postgis layers...
 I posted in the past regarding queryfiles with ms cgi and was able to 
 get everything running fine w/ yourhelp (S. Lime actually)
 I am sorry if this has been discussed but I have not been able to find 
 a solution..


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