[mapserver-users] mapserver compiled with jpeg v7 and GDAL withinternal JPEG results in core dumps (SIGSEGV)

Ethan Alpert ealpert at digitalglobe.com
Thu Dec 15 08:41:08 PST 2011

One more thing. Why doesn't --without-jpeg work for configuration. Since I use GDAL for all my I/O I would thing I don't even need JPEG compiled in to mapserver nor any other format for that matter.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Ethan Alpert
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 9:23 AM
To: Even Rouault; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] mapserver compiled with jpeg v7 and GDAL withinternal JPEG results in core dumps (SIGSEGV)

I agree. Problem here is I now have to downgrade jpeg because GDAL will only work with v62.

Since I have a whole suite of image processing utilities I will have to rebuild my entire runtime.

You can not safely mix libraries of different versions. There's absolutely no guarantee that GDAL will use the internal libjpeg if an application links to GDAL and another version of libjpeg. The best is to rebuild GDAL with external libjpeg support, so that both GDAL and mapserver use the same version of libjpeg.

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