[mapserver-users] Re: Queryfile w/ ms 5.6.3

nikos at maich.gr nikos at maich.gr
Fri Dec 16 04:44:24 PST 2011


 Trying to clarify as best as I can..
 Simply adding a queryfile parameter (queryfile does exist) ms seg 
 faults on Linux and hangs on win

 1. This does NOT choke on XP ms 5.3-dev, dont have an old ms for linux 
 (mandriva)to test..
 This chokes, seg faults on Linux, and hangs on windows,
 /var/www/html/cgi-bin/fw/mapserv -nh 
 4364612.298438 369032.295312 

 nothing is reported in ms_error, debug 5

 2. This does not hang in win, or segfault on Linux, on any 
 vesrion...all I've done is taken out the queryfile parameter

 /var/www/html/cgi-bin/fw/mapserv -nh 
 4364612.298438 369032.295312 

 Maybe it's staring me in the face :-0



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