[mapserver-users] Re: [mapserver-dev] PHP MapScript: undefined symbol: php_regcomp

Gregor at HostGIS gregor at hostgis.com
Thu Feb 3 12:58:14 PST 2011

On 2/3/2011 12:55 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> I had not replied because I
> didn't have much advice to provide other than "make sure the
> --with-regex=system switch really kicks in, sometimes it doesn't"...
> but maybe I should have given you at least that pointer.

Thanks to the long memory of the Internet, it actually was you who 
pointed me that direction. I got onto that train of thought thanks to a 
posting of yours from 2005 or 2003, I forget which.

HostGIS, Open Source solutions for the global GIS community
Greg Allensworth - SysAdmin, Programmer, GIS Person, Security
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